Friday 30 November 2007

Referencing and Proxy Referencing

In order for us all to work on our own seperate parts and to have them all in the same scene without exporting/importing them in and wasting time, I learnt how to do referencing.

The parts I am modelling are most of the furniture objects. This includes Booths, tables and chairs. Referencing this means instead of creating one object like a booth and importing it later then creating a table and importing that, I could just create a reference of where the objects WILL be WHEN they are made. So when they are completed I can move the files in and it will automatically be in the scene.

The only problem with this is that there needs to be something there so that Daryl can start animating whilst me and harrison are modelling. This is where Proxy referencing comes in.

Proxy referencing is like linking a reference to another set of files, which you can easily switch between. In this case, I made 'proxy' versions of my furniture which is basically blockout furniture. I can then concentrate on creating the proper models to put in whilst Daryl can animate. When the files are done, I put them in the folder and just switch the reference from proxy to proper!

Blockout-like furniture

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